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Our Officers

Hover Over the Pictures For Bios!


Chen Xiang

Hello! My name is Chen Xiang and I am currently a fourth year General Biology major from Revelle. I love sketching, travelling and video games. My interest is in small animals and shelter medicine, but that might change as I gain more experience with large animals! I have volunteered at Feral Cat Coalition and I am currently working part time at a small animal clinic. Feel free to chat with me or reach out to me through email! 

Vice President

Nora Vu

Hi everyone! I'm Nora Vu and I'm currently a fourth-year bio major in Marshall College! I aim to become a vet one day specializing in possibly anesthesia or animal rehabilitation. I have worked in an animal vaccine clinic, wildlife rehabilitation, a vet hospital, and now I am working as a physical therapist for dogs and cats at a rehabilitation center! When I am not focused on school or work, I love to go hiking, check out new food spots in SD, and binge-watch tv shows. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the vet field or if you want to be friends! 


Ellie Kim

Hi! My name is Ellie Kim and I am a sophomore at Marshall majoring in Neurobiology. I have two adorable dogs, a chihuahua and a mini Aussie. I also have three rat sisters who love to play with toys and eat Cheerios. I have volunteered at Helen Woodward Animal Center and Beverly Robertson Veterinary Clinic. I have always loved taking care of animals and learning about them since a young age. I am interested in working with small and large animals, possibly specializing in neurology or surgery. I switched to pre-vet during my freshman year of college, so joining PVSA gave me a lot of valuable information about the field. Feel free to reach out to me if you want to chat about the club or just life in general.


Thomas Kattadiyil

Hello, my name is Thomas Kattadiyil. I am a second-year Molecular and Cell Biology Major at Marshall college. In my free time, I enjoy staying active and watching my favorite T.V. shows. I am currently a Vet Assistant at Bayside Veterinary Hospital in Point Loma. I also have experience volunteering at Helen Woodward Animal Center and the Pet Health Center of La Jolla. At the start of 2022, I decided I would become a Zoo Veterinarian and have been working hard since then to accomplish this goal. Some of my favorite animals include blue-tongued skinks, eels, and shoe-billed storks. Please reach out if you have any questions about school or want to talk. 


Maddie Folkers

Hi Everyone! My name is Maddie and I am a second year marine biology major in Marshall College. I grew up helping raise puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind, and later volunteered at The Marine Mammal Center. During the summers I work in a general practice clinic and I am currently volunteering at San Diego Humane Society. I hope to specialize in conservation and wildlife veterinary medicine, but companion animals will always have a special place in my heart. 


Maddie Folkers



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